Georgina and Nikolai Tolstoy

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


An author and historian, I am proud to be UKIP parliamentary candidate for Witney. Having joined the Party at the time of its foundation, I have contested one by-election (Barnsley East), and two General Elections (Wantage). I have lived at Southmoor, on the border of Witney constituency, for thirty years.

I am an author, and have written a number of books. History has been my lifelong love, and I have written on Russian and Soviet history, the Arthurian legend, and Celtic studies. I have also written two novels, the first for children of all ages ("The Founding of Evil Hold School") and an historical novel about Merlin ("The Coming of the King").

My stepfather was the well-known novelist Patrick O'Brian, whose "Master and Commander" was made into a brilliant film starring Russell Crowe. I have published the first of a two-volume biography of Patrick.

My wife Georgina has been a wonderful support to me, chiefly of course in bringing up our family, and also by wholeheartedly supporting my writing and political activities. We have four grown-up children, Alexandra, Anastasia, Dmitri and Xenia.

I hold British and Russian citizenship, and with our family spend time each year at my mother's and stepfather's house in France, which has been our home since 1955. So I fancy I am as European as David Cameron, or even Kenneth Clarke.