Georgina and Nikolai Tolstoy

Monday, 19 April 2010


Any increase in support for the Liberal Democrats could be disastrous for our country.  A hung parliament, with Lib-Dems holding the balance, would provide the most dangerous of all worlds, plunging Britain into yet worse economic recession than that exacerbated by Labour’s dire incompetence.  Clegg has intimated that he is happy to collaborate with Gordon Brown.  Perpetuation of Labour’s disastrous handling of the economy would be bad enough, but endless wheeling-and-dealing between confused Clegg and bewildered Brown (the economic wizard who sold our gold reserves at a loss of £7 billion to the taxpayer) would drive the national debt spiralling far beyond its present lamentable state.

Liberals traditionally enjoy being liberal with other people’s money.  Fortunately for Mr. Clegg, he like Cameron is a rich man unlikely to feel the pinch.  Not long ago his guru Vince Cable urged a tax on all houses worth £1 million or more.  Not only does the proposal conceal the arbitrary nature of valuations on which estimates would be based (we all know how local councils fiddle these things at present), but in the rarified world Cable inhabits he appears unaware that a £1 million house is no longer a rich man’s dwelling.  Nor does everyone’s work permit them to live in an area of cheap housing.  Housing values, after all, are largely determined by factors beyond the householder’s control.

Alarmed at the effect this draconian proposal would have on much of the electorate, Clegg hastily raised the level of his arbitrary tax to £2 million.  This proposal, however, is for the benefit of voters on the eve of a general election.  There can be little doubt that, were the Liberals to gain any say in the way we are ruled, the homes tax would revert to Cable’s proposal, or a valuation lower still.

Much more alarming for our future is the consistent Lib-Dem policy of fawning subservience to the European Union.  Most people, understandably bemused to know what Lib-Dem policies constitute, are unaware of the fact that they have consistently been the party most besotted of all with EU bureaucracy.  Clegg himself has done well out of it, having enjoyed a lucrative post with the EU Commission.  How this country benefited from his activity remains unknown.

Clegg’s understanding of the status of the EU and its alternatives may be gathered from his anguished rhetorical enquiry:
‘Do we really think that we can pull up the drawbridge, and ranting and raving at Europe from the sidelines is really going to help us be stronger or safer?’

Of course he is too young to remember an independent Britain which traded with the whole world, rather than being confined to a restricted, corrupt, incompetent, undemocratic, and inward-looking enforced union.  Less easy to excuse is his ignorance of the position of Norway and Switzerland, which are spared the colossal expense and accruing loss of freedom involved in membership of the EU, while enjoying trade facilities with Brussels comparable to those of this country.

Clegg fondly expresses the belief that Britain is protected from international crime and terrorism by her membership of the EU.  Has he ever looked across the Atlantic, where Mexico, the USA, and Canada have belonged since 1994 to a free trade association, without any loss of national freedom? Do those three countries feel obliged to ‘rant and rave at each other from the sidelines’?  Are they racked beyond endurance by international crime and terrorism, in consequence of belonging to NAFTA, rather than the bureaucratic superstate beloved by Clegg and Cable?*

Clegg undoubtedly has much to learn, but is it proper that this country be made to suffer in consequence of his diminutive learning curve?


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